Early Intervention & Rehabilitation

Stress, depression or anxiety and musculoskeletal disorders accounted for the majority of days lost due to work-related ill health in 2019/20, 17.9 million and 8.9 million respectively. Data source: Labour Force Survey (LFS). MSK is a leading cause of work limitations and 27.8m working days per year are lost in the UK due to MSK (UK).
Working with trusted partner physiotherapy organisations, we are able to offer a blended service incorporating the Physiotherapy Advice Line (PAL). Using PAL, 60% of employees are able to self-manage their conditions, without the need for face-to-face treatment. This programme contains thousands of video exercise files designed for each and every part of the body and advice files that include lifting and correct posture techniques.
Our Physiotherapists can tailor make video based prescriptions to suit individual need. This reduces absence levels by allowing employees to be assessed and treated at work. Expert advice and personal exercise programmes will help your employees to recover faster.
Employees can access and carry out their exercises remotely in their own time.